The Banji Adesanmi Ministry yesterday announced the launch of its new TV show Inspaya – a documentary series set to air across major TV stations in Nigeria.
Inspaya with EvangelistBee is a flagship and original documentary with the theme ‘Real people, real testimonies’. It is a documentary that records and delivers the stories and testimonies of everyday people in their own words.
“The show is a rich repertoire of life-changing and thought-provoking testimonies delivered directly in the words of the testifiers and will jolt anyone from a state of despondence or discouragement,” said Banji Adesanmi, also known as EvangelistBee, Executuve Producer/Presenter of Inspaya, while speaking at a press conference organised to announce the documentary show. “Inspaya will give a clear message of hope and encouragement by telling and sharing people’s life and survival stories with the ultimate goal of building restoration and building confidence in facing issues of life. It is not just a mere television content but one set to impact positively on the audience and the society at large.”
The series which will is scheduled to run on several TV platforms will launch at the Sheraton Hotel, Ikeja, Lagos on 19 June, 2016 with various stakeholders in attendance. Expected at the launch event are business professionals, top gospel artistes and more.